Countryfile Magazine inspires you to explore forgotten corners of the great British countryside and provides knowledge of the people and wildlife that inhabit it. We want to tempt you into trying new things, seek out new places and make the most of Britain’s beautiful landscapes.
A modern pilgrimage
COUNTRYFILE on TV • What to watch on Countryfile this month*
BBC Countryfile Magazine
Full of the joys of spring • Leap into the season with newborn vigour with a subscription to BBC Countryfile Magazine
Giants of the canine world • From huge Irish wolfhounds to colossal Great Danes, here are seven of the world’s biggest dog breeds. If you’re tempted to size up, remember that larger dogs are a time commitment, needing two hours of exercise every day, says Laura Lloyd
BOTTLE DEPOSIT SCHEME SET FOR 2027 • New legislation for a deposit return scheme for plastic and metal bottles aims to substantially reduce litter in the UK. But some are questioning if it goes far enough
‘VIKING DOG’ BECOMES UK’S NEWEST PEDIGREE BREED • The Icelandic sheepdog is set to become the 224th breed to be officially recognised by The Kennel Club
The Plodcast • Tune your ears into our podcast this April*
HOME OF ENGLAND’S LAST ANGLO-SAXON KING FOUND • A posh toilet has helped identify the location of King Harold’s long-lost residence, as depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry
FOLKLORE FOCUS • Astrophysics, faith, pagan rituals and boisterous games are in the mix at Easter, says Pat Kinsella
PRINTING FROM THE HEART • Commemorating the felled Sycamore Gap tree through her art was a bittersweet privilege for printmaker Shona Branigan
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Pup-friendly hot cross buns • Your dog doesn’t have to be left out when it comes to Easter treats with these canine-compatible buns from vet and author Sean McCormack
How to make them
Locals fiercely divided over national park proposals for Galloway
Why farmers need to welcome biodiversity-boosting bats
Subscription offer! • Get 10 issues for just £20
Pilgrim’s progress • Europe’s most popular long-distance trail, the Camino de Santiago is celebrated for its beauty. Now you can start the official route in England, as Dixe Wills discovers
NOW GO THERE • Dixe Wills on how to walk the 68.5-mile St James’ Way
The miracle on your doorstep • In a love letter to spring, author Simon Barnes celebrates the months of renewal and rebirth, and the many artists who have drawn inspiration from this most important of seasons
TOP 10 DOG-FRIENDLY BEACHES • Here are Lottie Gross’ ultimate seashores for your pet to play, paddle and explore, with some dog-free alternatives too
THE SECOND ACT • Jeremy Clarkson is far from the only showbiz figure to become a farmer. Nige Tassell examines why so many actors and musicians are opting for a new life on the land
Invasion of the ZOMBIE PLANTS! • It lies in wait for the unwary and can cause serious skin burns, ulcers, even blindness. Richard Baynes reports from the frontline of the battle against giant hogweed, an invasive plant that’s remarkably hard to kill
POISONOUS PLANTS • A field guide to hogweeds, hemlocks and other umbellifers
The wolf within • All dogs share DNA with their ancestor the grey wolf, but can they ever escape their genes? Sam Pyrah delves into the science of selection and the quest for the perfect canine companion
FIVE BREEDS AND WHAT THEY WERE DESIGNED FOR • The UK Kennel Club recognises 223 dog breeds. Here’s how some of them...