It didn't take long for teachers to project
a career path for young Bill Walsh. Sister
Mary Edward at St. Francis Grammar
School in Metuchen, New Jersey, was
the fi rst to conclude, "William, you'll
make a wonderful priest." It was a refrain
Bill heard throughout his Catholic
upbringing and one that he considered
even through his college years. But that
changed when he met Barbara.
In Where Should We Have Stopped? author Fred Behringer tells the story of this
remarkable family—Bill and Barbara
Walsh and their fi fteen children. This
biography follows the path of Bill's
life and of his family, as he became a
successful businessman, a philanthropist,
a dedicated volunteer, and champion
golfer. It details how Barbara became a
leading fashion model in Philadelphia,
how the Swimmin' Walsh Women set
records and won scholarships, and how
the children excelled as executives, artists,
teachers, and golfers.
The stories in Where Should We Have
Stopped? portray Bill as a solid family man
with strong values, a solid work ethic,
and a deep love for his wife, children,
friends, associates, country, and God.
Members of the Walsh family have their
share of disagreements, yet their respect
and love for one another endures to an
unusual degree.